Hi, I’m Sam

& I’m so grateful you’re here 🙂

It’s taken a long time for me to get to this place, where I can finally open my heart and share what I’ve overcome in hopes to help somebody else along their journey of healing and self discovery.

As a child growing up with a single mom in a foreign country, it was hard. There were many things in my childhood I never understood and those feelings that I never addressed put me down a path of many bad decisions and years of self-sabotage.  

On the outside, I appeared to be very happy and it seemed like I had everything going in the right direction. I was going to University, traveling the world and paving the road to a bright future but in reality, I always felt empty inside.

Because of that hollowness, I went through many years of negativity, self hate and destructive behaviour.

I was always going from one thing to another just to fill the void, to never feel my true emotions and most of all, to avoid being alone.

I was afraid of being by myself and honestly I was afraid of who I might find when I’m alone in the dark with only my thoughts.

After years of running away from my emotions with drugs and alcohol, I finally hit rock bottom.

I was drowning in debt, I hurt the people around me, I lost good friends, I even lost my job and I isolated myself from the world.

I was in such a dark place, I couldn’t even recognize myself.  

At that moment, I knew something had to change.

I knew I had a greater purpose in life but I was lost.

I finally found the courage to pick myself up and start over so I began looking for positive things that would make me whole.

I focused all my energy on personal development, going to the gym, eating healthy and connecting with nature.

In 2023, I was blessed with the gift of becoming a mother.

All my life, I’ve been waiting for something bigger than me, a purpose to live and a reason to drive me to be better.

Up until then, most of my change came from self hate and self criticism. So I decided to make a commitment to get to know myself and to accept who I am no matter what I find.

Having been sober for 9 years, I’m still learning new things everyday and the biggest lesson I’m learning is how to love the stranger that was once myself.

For the first time in my life, I feel proud of the person I have become and that came from years of working on myself. I can truly say that I’m genuinely happy and I finally feel free.

This blog is a collection of all the things that have helped me go from hollow to whole and I hope to share what I’ve learned along the way with you.

No matter where you are on your journey, know that you don’t have to do it alone.

Know that you can achieve anything you put your mind to and that anything is possible.

Change is not easy and it’s not meant to be easy but it’s worth every single ounce of pain and suffering.

It takes a real effort, self-awareness, dedication, persistence and so much more but most importantly, it’s your WHY.

Find your why and you’ll find yourself.

I hope this blog can help you find pieces of yourself you never knew and help you along your journey of healing and self-discovery.

Thanks for stopping by 💕