Have you ever met someone who had this special thing about them?
The moment they walked into the room, you knew they were different.
They had this aura, this energy that you could feel just by being around them; it’s something that exists inside of them.
Sometimes we might feel a certain disconnect with this person because of how we feel about ourselves.

The insidious thoughts and emotions of self-doubt, low self esteem and lack of self worth all creep into our minds.
You may remember a time during your childhood or your adult-life when you’ve experienced those feelings. I know I sure have.
Maybe your teacher called you out in class and you felt embarrassed.
Maybe you got on stage when you were nervous and everyone laughed at you.
Maybe you got rejected for a job you really wanted and felt discouraged.
The thing we must remember with these experiences is that they do not define you.
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5 Powerful Ways To Be More Confident
You were not born with these thoughts.
Somewhere along the line, someone put those thoughts into your mind when you were a child; when you were defenseless and helpless.
It was most likely a reflection of how they were feeling about themselves which they projected onto you.
As we grow up, these emotions get carried into our lives, robbing us of our happiness and stealing our dreams of who we could become.
The good news is, at any point in our lives and any time of the day, we can choose a new reality by changing how we think and what we do.
Here are 5 powerful ways on how you can be more confident in life:
1) Mind Your Self Talk
The quality of our lives depends on the quality of questions we ask ourselves. So choosing each word we say is crucial.
Our brains are biologically wired to keep us safe and to protect us from any harm that may come our way.
Be aware of what you ask and say to yourself and make sure you’re always your biggest cheerleader.
One way you can do this is by practicing positive affirmations.
You can create your own affirmations or you can use a guided affirmation journal to help you. Either way, always keep it positive!
2) Do Something That Scares You
Confidence is not the absence of fear but rather having the courage to come face to face with your fears, running straight towards it.
Overcoming your fears is a solid way to create more confidence.
Make a list of all the things that scare you or make you feel uncomfortable.
It could be public speaking in front of a large audience or it could be coming face to face with a tarantula.
Whatever it is, make an attempt to overcome your fears, even by a little bit, to create more confidence in your life.
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself
3) Change Your Physiology
Over 80% of all communication is in the form of body language.
Every emotion we have comes with a certain physicality.
When we’re depressed, we’re hunched over. When we’re angry, our fists clench.
When we’re excited, our arms are wide open.
Next time your confidence is low, pay attention to your body position.
Change it by sitting up straight, shoulders back and chin up and notice how you feel.
92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
4) Remove Toxic People
Your environment is so critical to how you feel and behave and that also includes toxic relationships.
Sometimes the relationships could be someone in your family or even some friends you’ve had for a long time.
This may make you may feel obligated to have them in your life.
This is not true.
You can still care for people at a distance.
If they’re causing you distress and draining your energy instead of giving you energy, it’s time to let go of those relationships.
Removing toxic people from your life is like taking a weight off your shoulders.
If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive

5) Keep The Promises You Make To Yourself
The most solid way to build more confidence is to simply keep the promises you make to yourself.
Not the ones you make to other people but the ones you tell yourself when nobody is around.
It’s getting up when you said you were going to get up.
Doing a workout you promised yourself you would do or staying on a healthy eating plan because you said you were going to.
When you start to keep the promises you make to yourself, not only will you start to believe in yourself more, you’ll also have more self confidence.
Confidence is a feeling we can cultivate and it’s also a skill which anyone can build.
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What is one thing you do to boost your confidence? Share it in the comments below!

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