We’ve all had those days where we lay around in bed, moping and covering our faces with the blanket even though the sun is shining bright outside.
Maybe it’s stress from work, maybe you’re going through a bad break up or maybe you’re just having a bad day.
Nonetheless, this exercise will help bring your mood up and put a smile on your face!
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Feeling Down? Try This Exercise!
Write down 50 things that make you happy
Keep this list in a journal, on your phone or post it up on the wall – whatever works best for you.
When I wasn’t my best self and feeling down, this list reminded me there are many things to be happy for in life.
Hopefully this exercise can help you too 🙂
Happiness can be found in even the darkest of times, but only to those who remember to turn on the light
albus dumbledore
50 Things That Make Me Happy:
- Smiling
- Going for a walk in the park
- Petting my cats
- Spending time with my family
- Eating good delicious food
- Going for a swim
- Looking at plants at the nursery
- Hanging out with my best friends
- Listening to my favourite songs on full blast
- Planning out my next vacation
- Going to the SPCA
- Volunteering for a cause
- Going for a run
- Taking a bubble bath
- Cleaning my fish tank
- Starting a new craft project
- Looking at fish at the fish store
- Going for a massage
- Drawing and colouring
- Working on my garden
- Smelling my terrariums
- Singing at the top of my lungs in the car
- Going for a cruise outside of the busy city
- Dancing it out
- Watching a funny movie
- …
- …
- …
You get the idea!

Thanks for stopping by 
What makes you happy? Share it in the comments below!

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