If you’ve been following my blog, you know I talk a lot about thoughts and how they govern our lives.

I wholehearted believe in the power of our thoughts and why we need to control them.

Essentially, our thoughts become our reality. They are the reason for our past, our present and ultimately our future.

When I was in my early 20s, I was living a rather spontaneous lifestyle with little to no care about my physical, mental or emotional health.

I gave in to any thought I had, whether it be good or bad. Whenever I thought about doing something, I immediately went to satisfy it, rarely thinking about the consequences.

During one the lowest points of my life, I let negative self talk consume my mind and I let negative thoughts consume my life.

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It wasn’t until I was finally fed up with the way I was treating myself that I started focusing on self care and self love.

Through my self discovery journey, I learned what affirmations were and how they could help me through a dark time.

The more I used morning and evening affirmations, the more I began to fall in love with the way positive affirmations would make me feel.

I started to believe that I could change and that I could be better.

To be honest, in a way, affirmations changed my life.

Let’s dive deeper into what affirmations are, the benefits of positive morning affirmations and how to use affirmations.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements you regularly repeat to yourself, either in your mind or aloud, to change a thought pattern or to construct a new one.

The goal of affirmations is to shed away negative thought patterns and to create a new identity that will serve you.

These statements are ideas and values you want to manifest in your life.

These can be statements of who you would like to become and what you would like to believe about yourself. Affirmations can also include future goals you want to achieve.

With continuous repetition, these new thought patterns enter your subconscious mind, ultimately rewiring your brain; creating your future self.

We become what we think about all day long. The question is, what do you think about?

wayne w. dyer

What are the benefits of positive affirmations?

When consistently repeated over time, the benefits of positive affirmations are profound.

It can change a negative thought pattern into a positive one. It can instill qualities of self confidence, self-esteem, and self love.

There are physical benefits as well from reducing stress on a daily basis to manifesting your wildest dreams, affirmations can be the vehicle for your heart’s desires.

Through reading and repeating these thought patterns, you will begin to develop love and compassion for yourself.

You will heal from your trauma and you will begin to pave the way for your future.

How to practice affirmations?

There is no right or wrong way of practicing affirmations. It’s how you want it to be and what works best for you.

One way to practice affirmations is to repeat them once in the morning and once in the evening. When you read each statement, read them aloud.

Imagine yourself feeling or becoming what you are reading.

Visualize where you are and what you are doing. The more detailed and specific your thoughts are, the more real it will begin to feel.

When you’re truly present in a moment, your brain can’t tell the difference between what is reality and what you’re picturing in your mind.

Photo by Cate Bligh on Unsplash

65 Morning Affirmations To Seize The Day

1) I am happy

2) I am healthy

3) I love myself

4) I am grateful to be alive

5) I am excited for what today will bring

6) I am proud of the person I have become

7) I am the creator of my future

8) Today I focus on growth

9) I have a bright and prosperous future

10) I am creative

11) I am resilient

12) I can overcome anything I put my mind to

13) I am a winner

14) Today I focus on becoming a better version of me

15) I am full of energy

16) I am ready to seize the day

17) Everything happens for me and not to me

18) I feel blessed for all that I have

19) I love my friends and family

20) I am grateful for my body

21) I always choose kindness

22) I have the strength to overcome challenges

23) I let go of what doesn’t serve me

24) I have the power to create the life I want

25) Each new day brings new opportunities

26) I let go of worry and things I can’t control

27) My health is my top priority

28) I let go of the past

29) I am capable of achieving great success

30) I am focused on achieving my goals

31) I feel excited and energized

32) I live in abundance

33) I surround myself with people who love me

34) I accept myself for who I am

35) I have a positive future ahead of me

36) I trust my intuition

37) I have the confidence to turn my dreams into a reality

38) I believe I can be successful at anything I do

39) There is nothing in the world I can’t overcome

40) I vow to reach my full potential

41) My past does not define me

42) I am living a purposeful life

43) I attract success

44) I have the power to manifest my desires

45) I feel confident in my own skin

46) I love who I am

47) I don’t compare myself to others

48) I treat my body with love and respect

49) I am dedicated to growth

50) I always produce results

51) I hold myself accountable for my decisions

52) I stay committed to my goals

53) I don’t take anything personally

54) I never take an offense

55) Progress is better than perfection

56) I use my time wisely

57) I value my time and other people’s time

58) I am aligned with the universe

59) I make daily improvements no matter how small

60) I inspire the people around me

61) I help people by lifting them up

62) I can and I will

63) I believe in myself

64) I deserve to be successful

65) I am worthy to receive

Remember, you can make your affirmations the way you want it to be. This is meant to be only a guide to get you started.

There is no one way to practice affirmations. You can write affirmations in a journal, you can post your affirmations on your vision board or you can put sticky notes anywhere you want in your home.

You can read them in your head, you can read them aloud or you can even scream them at the top of your lungs. It’s what works for you!

Thanks for stopping by 💕

What are some affirmations you use to get in a positive morning mindset? Share them below!

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