Motherhood / My Journey

Third Trimester: Week 35 Pregnancy Recap

One symptom goes and another one appears… seems like every week there is something new in the third trimester!

For the past 2 weeks I’ve been dealing with pelvic pain and I’m happy to say that this week my body has made a big improvement and I’m much more mobile.

Oddly enough, a new symptom has appeared which again causes pain and affects daily tasks…more on that below…

Countdown continues…5 more weeks to go!

Image from OVIA Pregnancy App

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Third Trimester: Week 35 Pregnancy Recap



Feels more like muscle weakness honestly. Psychologically maybe my brain knows that I haven’t been able to go to the gym as many times during the week as I’d like and I just feel that my muscle gains are back tracking!

Anyway, small household tasks like changing the bedsheets and vacuuming literally knock the wind out of me and I feel like I need to nap after every task 😂


Oh boy this one creeped up on me a few times. I really hated feeling nauseous during the first trimester and it came back this week. Although it was very subtle, it was not pleasant.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Can’t believe this is actually happening to me! Along with the pelvic pain in the earlier weeks and now this…

I woke up one morning wondering why my fingers were so swollen and why I couldn’t even close my hands. Later found out it was carpal tunnel syndrome and it’s quite painful, especially when I wake up in the morning or from a nap.

What helps is slowing opening and closing my hands and applying an ice pack or running my hands under cold water. I’m also a lot more clumsy since I have no grip and things like typing and texting hurt too.

Hopefully this goes away soon after I give birth!

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Mood & Energy

My pelvic pain eased up a lot this week and I actually got out of bed gracefully, such a relief! It’s not completely healed or pain free but things like bending down and rolling over in bed are much more manageable.

Because of this improvement, I had a sudden burst of energy to complete a bunch of household and nursery tasks this week, really taking advantage of my mobility again!

Image from OVIA Pregnancy App


Absolutely nothing again! Even deciding what to eat for dinner was hard this week because I had absolutely no cravings at all…

Favorites This Week

Bio-Oil Skincare for Stretch Marks – I’ve been pretty fortunate these 8 months to not have any stretch marks. However, this week I started to notice a few small short (about 1cm long) stretch marks near the bottom of my belly on both sides.

I got this bio-oil for stretch marks right away and have been applying it 3 times a day! I’m still using the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Belly Balm and also Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Belly lotion, hoping to keep things under control and to prevent more stretch marks.

Thanks for stopping by 💕

Did you experience carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy? What were some things you did to relieve pain and manage every day tasks?

Share your experience in the comments below!

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